Saturday, August 6, 2011

Celine Dion At Home in Florida With Her Twins


One thing I’m really going to miss when Oprah goes off the air are the peeks she gives us into celebrity homes. On Monday, we got a look inside the controversial $20 million “waterpark house” that Celine Dion and her husband René built on Jupiter Island. As I mentioned before, it’s been making waves with her neighbors.

According to an article in the Daily Mail last year, the community was upset that her backyard waterpark used so much of the fresh water supply on the island, “which led to a droughtand water restrictions in the area.”

They were subsequently “fined for the massive use of water and in an attempt to appease her neighbors, had six wells constructed on the property to store enough water to keep the pipes pumping the 6.5 million gallons needed for the park each year.” You can see in this aerial view of the property (via Daily Mail) that it includes two pools and a lazy river:

Celine told Oprah that they built it so that their extended families could vacation together without worrying about overexcited fans or paparazzi. I have to say one of my favorite features had nothing to do with the water. It was this darling treehouse with the slide:

They named the twins Eddy and Nelson. They also have a 10-year old son they call R.C. Here’s Celine bringing one of her twin boys downstairs in the morning (I took these screenshots of the house while watching the segment on Oprah):

Gotta love how Celine let the cameras into her home while she was still in her pajamas and wearing no makeup.

A couple of things surprised me about the house:

  1. Everything is decorated in black and white.
  2. The rooms don’t look all that big considering the house has almost 10,000 square feet.

The Daily Mail called it Celine’s “Big White Home” and questioned how practical it is to raise three boys in a house with so much white. I’m not too worried about it, though. I’m sure she has plenty of people willing to clean the furniture–or replace it for her–if need be.

Note the white banquette in the background and the matching rocking chairs–love those:

I’d be more concerned about the black rug than the white upholstery. Black rugs are notoriously difficult to keep clean because they show everything.

Back when I worked as a designer’s assistant, we filled a mansion with black area rugs that suited its contemporary style. The client’s house manager complained, “You’re killing me with all these black rugs! They look dirty ten minutes after I clean them!”

Did you see Celine on Oprah? Are you a fan of hers? How about her black and white house?

You can watch a clip from “Oprah” of Celine and her family at home here and see the slideshow of house photos here. (Thanks to Kim for help with this one!)

Celebrity Houses is the page where I list all of the ones I’ve featured so far,from Jennifer Lopez to Sandra Bullock.

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