Sunday, August 7, 2011

“Jon & Kate Plus 8:” Out with the Old House, In with the New


Jon and Kate Gosselin have had their hands full lately–not just with those cute kids of theirs, but with their marital troubles (they just celebrated their 10-year anniversary, but not together), an investigation into whether TLC is violating child labor laws by filming at their house, and even some allegations of pet abuse. Then I heard that they aren’t having any luck in the real estate department, either. Their old house has still not sold, and continues to sit on the market in Pennsylvania. Here it is, from the real estate listing.

Old House:

The house is bigger than it looks from the curb — 3,446 square feet, with 5 bedrooms and 2 1/2 baths. It’s on the market for $325,000. (A reader pointed out that this square footage probably includes the finished basement, which is why the house looks smaller than that. Could be. Thanks, Jen!)

Here’s a photo of Kate and the kids in the kitchen when they still lived there:

For anyone who may not know, the Gosselins star in a reality-TV show on TLC that features them and their eight children (one set of twins, one set of sextuplets).

I really think the real estate agent could’ve done a little more staging for this poor house. It looks sad and abandoned.

I’ll never understand why they can’t open the blinds and close the toilet seats before taking photos that will go on the Internet for the world to see.

I’m dying to know what all those notes on the mirror say. Can anyone read that tiny print? (NOTE: A reader tells me they’re Bible verses. Thanks, Eileen!)

The laundry room comes with two sets of top-of-the-line washers and dryers. A must-have when there are 8 children in your house, I’m sure. Check out the MLS listing for the rest of the photos and more information.

UPDATE: A reader just informed me that the Realtors got so much grief over these photos that they took new ones and have posted them here. It is a little better, and you can see a couple of additional rooms, like the living room. (Thanks, Christy!)


New House

The Gosselins now live in this reportedly $1.3 million house in Berks County, Pennsylvania (viaTV Crunch and Gosselins Without Pity, where you can see more pics from the MLS listing):

In a recent episode, Emeril cooks dinner for the family in their new kitchen:

Because these were the real estate photos, I assume the furniture and decor belonged to the previous owners, and not to the Gosselins.

No word on how many washers and dryers come with this sprawling new place, but I imagine they have plenty. Just for fun: See what celebrities would look like with Kate Gosselin’s hair over at Us Weekly. (Many thanks to Jeanette of A Passion for Scrapbooking and Stephanie of The Written Word for sending me some of these links!)

To see the fun playhouses they got for their kids in a recent episode, check out this post: Four Crooked Houses for Jon & Kate’s Eight.

UPDATE 2/10: According to People magazine, they finally sold their starter home at a loss, for $258,000.

Check out Celebrity Houses for links to all of the famous homes I’ve featured.

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