Saturday, August 6, 2011

Novelist Emily Giffin’s Traditional Southern Home in Atlanta


Emily Giffin is the bestselling author of the novel Something Borrowed, which was turned into a movie starring Kate Hudson and Ginnifer Goodwin earlier this year. I haven’t seen the movie yet, but I read several of her novels and enjoyed them. When I heard that her traditional Southern home is on the market in Atlanta, you know I had to take a look!

The listing says, “Price available on request,” but does mention that it was recently reduced by $100k. UPDATE: Zillow lists it at a little over $2 million and has a few additional photos.

The ceiling in the family room and all of the woodwork is gorgeous:

Even better–this photo she posted on her Facebook page of her “messy room” with the kids watching TV in here (love it!):

There’s a mention on her FB page that she’s had an offer on the house, so it may not be on the market much longer.

I love this breakfast nook with the fun light fixture and the back staircase:

The house has 6 bedrooms and 5.75 baths

The back of the house:

It was recently featured in BHG’s Garden, Deck & Landscaping magazine, which included this photo of her by the pool with her cutie-pie kids:

Now if I could just write a bestselling novel and get it made into a movie, maybe I could afford this place! Check out the entire slideshow at CasaSugar and see the listing by The Bayne Group for more information. To learn more about Emily Giffin and her novels, visit her website. (Thanks to Nicole for the link!)

On Sundays I feature interesting houses for sale. Click here to see more!

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