Thursday, September 1, 2011

Jude Law’s Mill House in “The Holiday”


The Holiday-DVD coverAfter I featured both the California Contemporary house and the English Cottage from The Holiday, a lot of you asked me to show photos of Mill House, the home that Jude Law’s character Graham, owns in the film, too. I watched the movie again and took some more photos, since I was unable to find good pictures of Graham’s house (or that fairytale tent he built for his daughters) anywhere else.

Here’s the only real glimpse we get of its exterior, when Amanda is walking up to it at night:

Mill House exterior

UPDATE: A reader found the real house they used for the exterior, and you can see some gorgeous photos of it here (thanks, Rachel!). The real Mill House is in Wonersh, Surrey.

The Entry Hall:

Mill House entry

Mill House 4

Mill House 5

Amanda looks to the right and sees the door to the living room:

Mill House 2

She looks to the left and sees the door to the kitchen:

Mill House 3

The Kitchen:

Mill House 6

Mill House 7

Graham’s Study:

Mill House 8

Mill House 9

The Living Room:

Mill House 10

Perhaps the most memorable thing about Jude’s house was his daughter’s bedroom:

door to the girls' room

Who could forget the fairy-tale tent they got to sleep in?

Girls' tent in The Holiday

Tent 2

Tent 3


I think the set designers did a beautiful job of making Mill House feel like a home where children live. Did you notice all of the girls’ artwork hanging on the walls? We finally understand who Graham is when Amanda steps into his home.

Do you have a favorite house from The Holiday?

Visit my TV/Movie Houses page to see more!

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